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Minhas publicações científicas

Cabral et al. 2020. Physical Activity and Exercise Dose-response for Protection Against Chronic Diseases and Mortality: Are Our Recommendations Accurate?. SportRxiv. June 15. doi:10.31236/

Luchi. et al. 2020. Chronic aerobic exercise associated to low-dose L-NAME improves contractility without changing calcium handling in rat cardiomyocytes. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v.53, p.1-13.

Ribeiro et al. 2018. Cardiac protein expression patterns are associated with distinct inborn exercise capacity in non-selectively bred rats. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v.51, p.1-10.

Silva. et al. 2018. Pressão arterial e indicadores de função vascular de corredores com diferentes níveis de desempenho no teste cardiopulmonar. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA E ESPORTE. , v.31, p.747-58.

Lemos et al. 2017. The perception of effort is not a valid tool for establishing the strength-training zone. JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT AND EXERCISE. , v.12, p.593-606.

Caldas et al. 2016. Traditional vs. Undulating Periodization in the Context of Muscular Strength and Hypertrophy: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Sports Science. , v.6, p.219-29. DOI: 10.5923/j.sports.20160606.04

Coelho et al. 2015. Desequilíbrio hormonal e disfunção menstrual em atletas de ginástica rítmica. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte. v.37, p.222-9.

Mazioli et al. 2015. Marcadores hematológicos de corredores amadores do município de Vitória/ES. ConScientiae Saúde (Impresso). v.14, p.394-401. DOI: 10.5585/conssaude.v14n3.5772

Rodrigues et al. 2015. Transição metabólica no teste progressivo de pessoas treinadas com musculação e corrida. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Impresso). v.21, p.249 - 254.

Miranda et al. 2015. VO2max estimado por equações preditivas apresenta baixa concordância com o obtido pelo padrão ouro - teste cardiopulmonar.. Revista da Educação Física (UEM. Impresso). v.26, p.131-145.

Morra et al. 2014. Long-term intense resistance training in men is associated with preserved cardiac structure/function, decreased aortic stiffness, and lower central augmentation pressure. Journal of Hypertension. v.32, p.286-93. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000035

Freitas et al. 2013. Colon cancer and swimming exercise: effect on wistar rat testes. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Impresso). v.56, p.557-66. 

Baldo et al 2011. Long-term use of low-dose spironolactone in spontaneously hypertensive rats: Effects on left ventricular hypertrophy and stiffness. Pharmacological Reports. , v.63, p.975 - 982, 2011. doi: 10.1016/s1734-1140(11)70613-2

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